Polaris Blog

Polaris is a light-weight SDK to collect real-user measurements, derive real-time signals of performance, and set goal-based objectives.

Measure AG Grid Performance

This article will show you how to measure the performance of AG Grid.

As a minimum, we believe that you should measure the following:

Let's break each of these down and show how you can measure the performance of AG Grid using Polaris.


Follow our docs for installing the Polaris SDK:

Install AG Grid SDK

To measure the performance of AG Grid using Polaris, you will need to install the AG Grid SDK.

npm i -S @getpolaris.ai/sdk-ag-grid

Instrument AG Grid with Polaris

AG Grid implements a gridReady event that is fired when the grid is initialized, and for the most part, the API is ready for interaction. AG Grid also implements a firstDataRendered event that is fired when the grid has rendered the first set of data.

Let's look at an example using the Polaris AG Grid SDK to measure both of these events using the instrumentGrid function.

Here is an example using React:

import { instrumentGrid } from '@getpolaris.ai/sdk-ag-grid';

export default function Grid() {
  // code for column definitions omitted for brevity

  const gridOptions = useMemo(() => {
    return instrumentGrid({
      gridId: 'customers',
  }, [columnDefs]);

  return (
    <div className="ag-theme-quartz-auto-dark">
      <AgGridReact rowData={rowData} gridOptions={gridOptions}></AgGridReact>

And, here is another example using Angular:

import { instrumentGrid } from '@getpolaris.ai/sdk-ag-grid';

  selector: 'app-grid',
  template: `
export class GridComponent {
  // code for column definitions omitted for brevity

  gridOptions = instrumentGrid({
    gridId: 'customers',
    columnDefs: this.columnDefs,

Let's review the code above:

It's important to note that all gridOptions can be supplied to the first parameter to the instrumentGrid function. This allows you to measure the performance of the grid with all the options you would normally pass to the AgGridReact component.


Next, let's look at a complete example of an AG Grid implementation with Polaris instrumentation.

A few things to note:

When we first load the application, our SDK attempts to establish a connection using the API key provided. If the connection is successful, the SDK will begin sending performance data to the Polaris platform.


Performance matters.

While AG Grid is a high-performance grid library, it's important to measure the real-user runtime performance of your AG Grid implementation. At a minimum, our SDK measures the time to grid ready and the time to first render for all grids in your web application. We recommend using the Polaris SDK to instrument other key events in your application to ensure you are delivering the best possible user experience.

Measure Web App Performance

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