
A Measurement is a data structure that contains all the information about a measurement that is sent to Polaris.

interface Measurement {
  id: string;
  appId: string;
  eventName: string;
  duration: number;
  result: MeasurementResult;
  timestamp: DateTime;
  connectionQuality: ConnectionQuality | null;
  deviceType: DeviceType;
  location: Location | null;
  userMetadata: object;

Let's take a look at each of these properties in more detail.

  • id - A unique identifier for the measurement. This is generated by Polaris.
  • appId - The ID of the app that sent the measurement.
  • eventName - The name of the event that was measured.
  • duration - The duration of the measurement in milliseconds.
  • result - The result of the measurement.
  • timestamp - The timestamp of the measurement.
  • connectionQuality - The connection quality of the measurement.
  • deviceType - The type of device that sent the measurement.
  • location - The location of the device that sent the measurement.
  • userMetadata - Any additional metadata that was sent with the measurement.


The MeasurementResult enum is used to indicate the result of a measurement.

enum MeasurementResult {


The ConnectionQuality enum is used to indicate the connection quality of a measurement.

enum ConnectionQuality {
  FAST = 'FAST',
  OK = 'OK',
  SLOW = 'SLOW',


The DeviceType enum is used to indicate the type of device that sent the measurement.

enum DeviceType {
  BOT = 'BOT',
  CAR = 'CAR',
  TV = 'TV',


The Location interface is used to indicate the location of the device that sent the measurement.

interface Location {
  country: string;
  region: string;
  city: string;
  latitude: number;
  longitude: number;

Filtering Measurements in Polaris

Let's learn how to filter measurements when defining indicators in Polaris.

  1. First, create a new indicator in Polaris. For this example, we'll create an indicator that tracks the average time it takes to authenticate a user that is using a mobile device in the United States.
  2. Next, provide a name for the indicator. For this example, we'll name the indicator Auth / Duration. Note the slash in the name. This is used to create a hierarchy of indicators.
  3. Next, choose the indicator window. For this example, we'll choose 1 hour.
  4. Provide the predicate function for filtering measurements.
Indicator predicate function
function main (measurement) => {
  return (
    measurement.eventName === 'auth' &&
    measurement.deviceType === 'PHONE' && === 'US'