Polaris Blog

Polaris is a light-weight SDK to collect real-user measurements, derive real-time signals of performance, and set goal-based objectives.

Featured Article

Measure AG Grid Performance

Measure the real-user runtime performance of AG Grid using the Polaris SDK. At a minimum, we believe you should be measuring and monitoring the time to grid ready and the time to first render for all grids in your web application.

Featured Article

Measure Angular Render Time

Measuring Angular render time enables you to identify and optimize bottlenecks in your application. Learn how to measure Angular render time in the lab using the Angular DevTools and in the field using Polaris.

State of DevOps 2023

In the 2023 State of DevOps report, success hinges on a healthy culture and reliability. Just as in software delivery, reliability is vital for site reliability. Polaris, our site reliability tool, guides you to a culture of high performance.

Empathy in Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)

Explore the role of empathy in Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) with Polaris, an innovative SRE solution. This blog emphasizes the importance of understanding the user's journey, highlights the nexus of empathy, observability, and Polaris, and discusses the challenges and growth in SRE practices.

The Expanding Horizon of Observability

Explore the evolving world of observability. Recent developments, including innovations like SigNoz, underscore the key to success in this field, emphasizing the need for comprehensive insights into metrics, logs, and traces.

The Importance of Site Reliability

We believe that reliability is your app's most important feature. Learn how to use SRE best practices to ensure your app is trusted.

Benefits of Observability

In this article, we outline the benefits of observability and how it can help you build web applications that are reliable.

Building Web Apps We Can Trust

In this article, we explore the critical role of Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) for different types of SaaS owners and web developers, ranging from those overlooking reliability issues, those fighting to escape 'reliability hell', and those aware of the importance but lacking the resources to implement it.

Embracing Site Reliability Engineering

Explore Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) basics and its significance for software teams. Learn to foster a culture of reliability through SRE practices and tools like Polaris, enhancing web application performance and user satisfaction.

Measure Web App Performance

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